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Dr. Modasrah Haroon’s Successful PhD Thesis Defense in Biochemistry: A Milestone Achievement

Dr. Modasrah Haroon’s Successful PhD Thesis Defense in Biochemistry: A Milestone Achievement

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Modasrah Haroon on successfully defending her PhD thesis in Biochemistry! This is indeed a significant milestone in her academic journey. Her research project, “Identification and Biochemical Profiling of Bioactive Compounds in Trichodesma indicum,” sounds like a valuable contribution to the field.

Her success not only reflects her dedication but also brings honor to the Department of Eastern Medicine and Qarshi University. Qarshi University wishes her all the best in her future endeavors and hopes that Dr. Modasrah’s research will indeed bring numerous benefits to the Faculty of Medicine, Eastern Medicine, Allied Health Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, and Qarshi University as a whole. Her hard work and commitment serve as an inspiration to others pursuing their academic and research goals.

Best wishes for your continued success.